Our History

In 1998, Marcia Devens, an avid Tennis Player and a 13-year, stage 4 breast cancer survivor, founded Tennis for Life to introduce tennis to others with her circumstances who would not typically consider tennis as an option to aid in both the physical and psychological recovery process. Tennis for Life is committed to support and enhance the lives of Breast Cancer Survivors.



Tennis for Life (TFL) is an active support group for Breast Cancer Survivors who have never played tennis, haven’t played in awhile or who play all the time. The program helps participants regain upper body strength and mobility while building stamina, endurance and morale.  Tennis for Life members enjoy playing tennis and lessons with a tennis pro, all for free in a non-competitive environment.  In addition to playing tennis, members gather monthly to discuss cancer-related issues in a supportive atmosphere.

Our non-profit organization offers tennis lessons, organized tennis play, peer networking groups and professionally-facilitated discussion groups to unite and assist breast cancer survivors in their recovery.

Featured in the News

Tennis for Life has been featured by several different media outlets. If you’ve seen a recent article about us that we don’t have posted here, or you would like to feature us in an article, please contact us.

ABC 11 Eyewitness News feature

Cary Magazine feature

NCSU Womens Tennis Clinic